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Главные изменения

  • Наша новая платформа для разработки и командного взаимодействия Space теперь интегрирована с IntelliJ IDEA. После того как вы вошли в свою организацию в JetBrains Space, вы сможете просматривать и клонировать репозитории проектов, ревьюить код своих коллег и писать скрипты автоматизации Space.

  • Появилась поддержка WSL 2 для Java-проектов. 

  • Сервис для совместной разработки и парного программирования Code With Me теперь доступен из коробки, а кроме того, в нем появилась поддержка видео- и аудиозвонков. 

  • Новая функция Run Targets позволяет запускать, тестировать, профилировать и отлаживать приложения в Docker-контейнерах и на удаленных компьютерах. 

Системные требования

Требования к оборудованию:

  • RAM от 2 ГБ, рекомендуется 4 ГБ оперативной памяти
  • 1,5 ГБ свободного места на жестком диске + не менее 1 ГБ для кэшей
  • Минимальное разрешение экрана 1024×768

Требования к ПО:

JRE 1.8 и JDK для Java. JRE 1.8 поставляется с дистрибутивом IntelliJ IDEA, но также их можно скачать отдельно на официальном сайте Oracle.
Windows — 32-разрядные или 64-разрядные версии Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 7 или Vista

Macos — macOS 10.8.3 или новее (поддерживаются только 64-разрядные системы) Linux (ubuntu) — OS Linux (обратите внимание, что 32-разрядный JDK не поставляется в комплекте, поэтому рекомендуется использовать 64-разрядную систему). Рекомендуется использовать среду рабочего стола KDE, Gnome или Unity

Space integration

Space job statuses in the Git log

It is easy to track a job’s progress by just looking at the commits list, as we’ve
introduced icons for Space job statuses in the Log tab of the Git tool window. If
you click on an icon, the IDE will open a popup with the automation info for that job.

If you don’t need the status information, click the eye icon above the log and
select Show Columns | Space Automation.

Mention teammates

It is now more convenient to communicate with teammates in Space code reviews, as you
can mention them with @ followed by the colleague’s name. This minor but helpful feature
works in the timeline and in code comments.

Quality enhancements

We are always working to improve your experience of our product; that’s why fixing bugs, freezes, and regressions is one of our top priorities. Here is a list of all the fixes that we have made in the first EAP build:

  • Fixed the causes of several IDE crashes on Linux.
  • Fixed the Hierarchy tool window so it correctly displays the usages of an interface method that has at least one implementation.
  • Fixed recurring indexing on every startup if the IDE was closed due to OS shutdown.
  • If you use the font zoom feature, it is now applied to all open files, not just the current one. You can activate this new option by selecting the All editors radio button in the Mouse control section in Preferences/ Settings| Editor| General.
  • Fixed the autosave feature so it works as expected even with open pop-ups.
  • Fixed the behavior of the Stop button. When you stop the WildFly Run Configuration, the Terminate Batch Job prompt no longer appears.
  • It is now possible to disable list editing in Markdown. To do so, go to Preferences/Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Markdown and deselect the Automatic assistance in the editor checkbox.
  • Fixed the Welcome screen; the project list is now in focus.
  • Focus no longer shifts to the File menu when F10 is pressed during debugging.
  • Fixed the File mask field in the Find in File dialog. The list is now displayed correctly.
  • Added an ability to debug various Gradle scripts. , ,

You can see the complete list of quality enhancements in the release notes.

That’s all for week one! We hope you will find all the new features useful, and we look forward to reading your feedback in the comments below. Also, if you notice any bugs, please report them to our issue tracker.

Happy developing!

early access program
IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3

Database tools

DDL data source

It is now possible to generate a DDL data source based on a real one. The DDL files
will be created on the disk and the new data source will be based on them. That way
you’ll always be able to regenerate these files and refresh the DDL data source.
Step-by-step instructions on how to apply this feature are available in our
blog post.

Managing the popping up of Services tool window

When a query returns no data, there’s no need for the Services tool window to
appear if it was hidden already. Now you can define which operations make the
Services tool window appear on your own in
Preferences / Settings | Tools | Database | General.

Version control

Git stage support

You can now stage changes directly from your IDE. To enable this feature, go to
Settings / Preferences | Version Control | Git and tick the Enable staging
area checkbox. Click
the + icon to add your files to the new Staged node in the Commit view. You
can also stage
changes right from the gutter or in the Diff view. To learn more, read our blog post.

Rearranged VCS menu

The VCS menu is now named according to the version control system that you are
currently using. We’ve made the menu more concise, removing all but the most useful actions for
versioning your project. If your project only uses Git, your VCS menu will look like on the
image above.

Collaborative development

Synchronized code completion

You can now understand the logic behind your teammate’s actions even more precisely,
as you’ll see what code completion suggestions the person you are following uses. This
feature works when you are in Following mode during your Code With Me session.

Undo your actions

IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 features a re-worked undo functionality that significantly
improves the collaborative programming experience. The revamped undo logic enables
both guests and the host to reverse their individual changes in the code. This means
that upgrading to the 2021.2 version will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations
where one developer accidentally deletes changes made by their peers. This improvement
is particularly useful in pair and mob programming scenarios.

Share any screen during a collaborative session

One of the most eagerly-awaited features, screen sharing, is finally here. In v2021.2,
participants can share an application window from their computer screen, not just your
JetBrains IDE, to help participants collaborate better.


Automatic ML-completion

Starting from v2021.2, Kotlin code completion works based on the machine learning
mechanism by default. Code suggestions are prioritized more carefully as the IDE
relies on the choices of thousands of real users in similar situations. You can
configure ML-assisted completion in Preferences/Settings | Editor | Code Completion.

Run tests before code analysis finishes

Previously you had to wait for code analysis to finish before you could start running
your tests. In the current version, you can launch tests immediately after opening the
file by clicking the Run test icon in the gutter.

Debugger updates

We’ve introduced some useful improvements and updates to our coroutine agent in the
debugger. The coroutines agent is now available via the Coroutines tab in the
Debug tool window. It works for Java run configurations with a dependency on
kotlinx.coroutines, and Spring and Maven run configurations.

We’ve also fixed an issue when local variables were not used after passing a suspension
point and disappeared in the Variables view of the Debugger tool window.

More room for action during indexing

Don’t waste another minute! While the IDE is indexing a project you can run and debug
your application. The buttons associated with Run/Debug Configuration are active
during indexing.

Kotlin support for WSL 2 and Run Targets

In IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1, we’ve introduced

support and the
Run Targets
feature. In v.2021.2, you can use these features for Kotlin.

Inspection to simplify call chain on collection type

In this release, we’ve added a useful inspection that helps you simplify the syntax and
combine several calls into one when calling methods in a chain inside a collection.

Build tools

JLink artifacts

If you want to create a custom JDK that contains only the modules and dependencies
you need when working on a Jigsaw project, you can add new JLink artifacts to your
project in the Project structure window.

Redesigned Gradle configurations

We’ve reworked the UI of the Gradle Run/Debug Configurations. The basic
parameters are now conveniently grouped in one screen. You can add more options
based on your needs.

Faster indexing for projects in WSL 2

For project files stored in WSL 2, we use a daemon that transfers the content of the
files between Linux and Windows via a socket. This allows us to increase the indexing
speed, as it depends on how fast the IDE reads the file content.

Depending on the language you use, the speed increase may vary. For example, for
JS-like languages, indexing now takes a third of the time.


There are other useful updates you can use in your daily routine:

  • The upcoming Maven 3.7.0 will feature new
    POMs with a simplified
    structure. IntelliJ
    IDEA 2020.3 already includes support for them.
  • The Lombok plugin is now
  • IntelliJ IDEA can download shared indexes for popular Maven libraries directly from
    JetBrains’ servers. If you develop plugins with an IntelliJ Platform SDK, shared indexes
    will be downloaded automatically.
  • We’ve updated the UI to look good in the macOS Big Sur.
  • A new keymap fully compatible with macOS system shortcuts is available in
    Preferences/Settings | Keymap.
  • We now use Git format by default for creating patches.


To keep up with modern software development, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate offers integrations with the
most popular container orchestration systems – Kubernetes and Docker. We also have third-party
plugins for deploying code to AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure.

Application servers Ultimate

IntelliJ IDEA provides integration with major application servers: Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere,
WebLogic, Glassfish, and more. Right from your IDE, you can start and stop local servers,
connect to running remote servers, deploy your

on those servers, and even debug your applications on them.


IntelliJ IDEA fully supports Docker integration. You can run and debug your applications
in Docker containers, download and build images, run multi-container applications using
Docker Compose, and
all from the IDE.

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate provides integration with Docker out of the box. For IntelliJ IDEA
Community Edition, you can download the Docker plugin from JetBrains Marketplace by going
to Preferences/Settings | Plugins from inside your IDE.

Frameworks & Technologies

Microservices diagram

IntelliJ IDEA lets you display microservice interactions in a diagram, which you can
build by clicking the respective icon in the Endpoints tools window. This new diagram
offers the option to track which client calls a particular service and navigate to this
call in your code. To do so, just click on an arrow that connects the blocks in the diagram.

The diagram is available in Java and Kotlin projects if you use Spring, Micronaut,
Quarkus, or Helidon.

Automatic migration from Java EE to Jakarta EE

The new Migrate… refactoring helps quickly and painlessly migrate a project
or module from Java EE to Jakarta EE. After you initiate it, the Refactoring Preview
shows all the found usages of Java EE imports. You can then check through and finalize
the process.

Automatic download of shared indexes for new Spring Boot projects

When you create a new Spring Initializer project, the IDE will download shared
indexes automatically, reducing indexing time and speeding up IDE startup. The checkbox
that turns this feature on is located on the second screen of the New Project wizard.
Please note it won’t work if you have disabled Shared Indexes in
Settings/Preferences | Shared Indexes.

Support for JPA Entity Graph

In this version, we’ve introduced support for an
Entity Graph
which you can define with the annotation. Your IDE allows
you to specify a unique name and the attributes () for
this annotation using code completion, error detection, and navigation to the related
entity by clicking on an attribute.

Support for cache annotations in Micronaut and Quarkus

Cache annotations for
are now supported in the IDE. We’ve added gutter navigation between cache name usages,
as well as the ability to use Find usages and the Rename refactoring for
cache identifiers.

Better microservice navigation support in JavaScript and TypeScript

URL navigation in JavaScript and TypeScript has been significantly improved. For
client-side code (for Angular or Axios), URL references have been added for the
service and
request method calls, and URL completion works based on available server-side frameworks
and OpenAPI specifications. For server-side, Express users can see Route handlers in the
Endpoints tool window and search for Express route declarations via
Navigate | URL Mapping.

gRPC endpoints displayed in the Endpoints tool window

In this version, we’ve added support for yet another framework – gRPC. We are planning
to introduce more features for working with it. For now, it is possible to see the gRPC
endpoints in the Endpoints tool window. Stay tuned for more updates!

Ktor integration

a web application framework for creating connected systems, is bundled with IntelliJ
IDEA Ultimate. Right from the welcome screen, you can create a new Ktor project for
developing server-side or client-side applications and configure the basic project
settings and various features supported by Ktor.

Run, test, and debug

IntelliJ IDEA comes with a powerful toolset for setting run and build parameters for your
application and debugging code, as well as applying and developing JUnit tests right in the IDE.


You can run your application in IntelliJ IDEA by simply clicking the green play
button in the toolbar at the top of the window or near a class declaration in the editor
gutter. If you need to customize how your program starts up, you can use
run/debug configurations
that contain various run and build properties, including the desired JDK/JRE, the
environment in which you want to run your project, and more.

Run Targets Ultimate

The Run Targets feature lets you run, test, profile, and debug your application
in Docker containers and on remote machines. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate provides the ability
to run Java applications and JUnit tests, as well as Maven, Gradle, Micronaut, Maven-based
Quarkus, and Spring Boot projects on Docker, SSH, and WSL targets.

Check out this
blog post
for more information.


IntelliJ IDEA supports the most popular testing frameworks, like JUnit, TestNG, Cucumber,
Arquillian JUnit, and
(available in the plugin Marketplace). The IDE is equipped with an environment and a set
of tools for developing and running effective and readable automated tests. You can switch
between test classes and source code with a shortcut, run multiple tests, view statistics
for each test, and more. For analytics, use the Code Coverage feature which shows the
percentage of code covered by unit tests.


Updated inspections and quick-fix descriptions

Our inspections and quick fixes are not just helpful for coding but also described
in detail. The updated descriptions explain what changes the inspections suggest and
the reasoning behind them. Some inspections come with usage examples. Check them out
in Preferences/Settings | Editor | Inspections.

Diagrams structure view

We’ve made diagrams more informative – they now come with the Structure view
containing a map of your diagram with a small preview of the selected block and its
neighbors. The new Structure view supports scaling, canvas moving, magnifier
mode, layout change, and exporting to an image.

Multiple copyright years

Your project’s copyright notice can now include both the project creation year and
the current version year. The updated template that contains both dates is available
in Preferences/Settings | Editor | Copyright | Copyright profile.


New types of inline refactorings

Cross-language conversion is now possible, meaning you can inline Kotlin elements
from Java. You can also inline-refactor the also, let, run, apply, and with
scope functions.
We’ve improved the inlining of lambda expressions for the IDE to analyze their syntax more
thoroughly and format them correctly.

Structural search and replace

We’ve introduced support for structural
and replace (SSR) actions for
Kotlin. You can find and replace code patterns, taking the syntax and semantics of the source
code into account. Filters for variables allow you to narrow down your search.

Key updates

Project-wide analysis for Java projects

In this release, we’re introducing a new feature for tracking errors throughout
the whole project before compilation – project-wide analysis. When you click the
dedicated icon in the Problems tool window, you enable a check that is
performed on every code change. When the process is over, the IDE displays all
the found errors, including those that are detected only by scanning the whole

The feature works with small and medium-size projects.

Actions on save

We’ve added a number of actions that will be initiated by saving the project, including
reformatting code and optimizing imports. All of them are conveniently gathered together
in Preferences / Settings | Tools | Actions on Save. It is easy to configure them
from there by ticking the necessary checkboxes. If you’d like to adjust the settings for
any action more precisely, simply hover over an action and click the configuration link.

Database tools

DDL data source

It is now possible to generate a DDL data source based on a real one. The DDL files
will be created on the disk and the new data source will be based on them. That way
you’ll always be able to regenerate these files and refresh the DDL data source.
Step-by-step instructions on how to apply this feature are available in our
blog post.

Managing the popping up of Services tool window

When a query returns no data, there’s no need for the Services tool window to
appear if it was hidden already. Now you can define which operations make the
Services tool window appear on your own in
Preferences / Settings | Tools | Database | General.

Code With Me license

Code With Me offers different types of subscriptions that you can choose at the website.

If you have the IntelliJ IDEA Community edition or you have an active IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate subscription or other IDE subscription, you don’t need a Code With Me license. The only difference between Community and Ultimate editions in this case is the number of guests that is allowed during the Code With Me session. You can check the details at the website.

In case you have a Community edition, but want to add more guests to your session or your IntelliJ IDEA license is outdated, then you can purchase a Premium Code With Me license.

There are several scenarios in which you might need to activate the Code With Me license manually:

  • You have an active IDE or an offline activation code and your license should be automatically applied to the Code With Me plugin. However, you continue to experience problems with the activation. In this case, try to .

  • You have a commercial Code With Me license, and your company uses the JetBrains floating license server (FLS). In this case, you can the same way you would activate the IntelliJ IDEA license.

  • You have a commercial Code With Me license and want to activate a lobby server. In this case, you activate the license additionally specifying the lobby server address.


Reload pages in browser on save

IntelliJ IDEA lets you preview HTML files in a browser using the built-in web server.
Now, it will automatically update the pages in a browser as you edit and save your HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript files. To get started, open an HTML file in the editor, hover over it,
and click on the icon for the browser you want to use – all browsers are supported.

Rename refactoring for React useState hooks

You will no longer need to waste time on refactoring useState values and functions one
by one – IntelliJ IDEA can now rename both for you! Place the caret on a state value
and press Shift+F6 or go to Refactor | Rename from
the right-click context menu.


Support for Async profiler on Windows and Apple M1

Async Profiler is the profiling tool of choice for many developers because of its
accuracy and reliability. IntelliJ IDEA now fully supports the profiler on Windows
and Apple M1, in addition to Linux and non-M1 macOS, which means you can now use it
in most environments.

Support for Async profiler 2.0

IntelliJ IDEA has support for Async Profiler 2.0. It works via the new Async Profiler
configuration, combining the power of the CPU and Allocation profilers. In the
Flame Graph, Call Tree, and Method List tabs, the new Show
dropdown list lets you choose whether you want to be shown CPU samples or memory
allocations. The Timeline displays both of them. You can filter what to show by using
the controller in the top right-hand corner.


Надо сказать, что MediaPad M5 двухлетней давности на чипсете Kirin 960 — не самая мощная машина в истории. (Зато это толстый надежный кирпич металла, которым можно копать землю в огороде!) И конечно, при редактировании большого количества текста появляются тормоза перерисовки. Браузеру сложно рисовать столько графики быстро.

Тем не менее, чтобы что-то отлаживать — этого уже вполне достаточно. Отладчик будет красивый, четкий и приятный, а не как через Remote Desktop.

Если же запускать всё это на ноутбуке, тормозов почти нет. Особенно если там есть видеокарта, а не как у планшета MediaPad M5, где вместо видеокарты работает Mali-G71.

Release Notes

IntelliJ IDEA 13 133.1122 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.1081 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.944 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.818 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.696 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.672 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.609 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.471 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.370 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.330 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.286 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.193 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.162 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.124 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 133.79 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.1045 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.947 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.839 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.719 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.637 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.556 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.425 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.325 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.197 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.106 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 132.27 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 130.1619 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 130.1486 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 130.1365 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 130.1179 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 130.1105 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 130.1030 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 130.962 Release NotesIntelliJ IDEA 13 130.754 Release Notes

Developer ergonomics

Every aspect of IntelliJ IDEA is built to provide you with a seamless
out-of-the-box experience. It provides quick access to all the features and integrated tools
that are important to your work, as well as a wide range of customization options. You can
fine-tune everything to support your workflow: set shortcuts, install plugins, customize the
interface to your liking, and more.

Easy start up

Even if this is your first time using an IDE, it shouldn’t take you long to get up and
running with your first project. In the New Project wizard, you can set the project type,
Java version, and supported build tools (like Maven and Gradle); IntelliJ IDEA will
configure all the remaining settings for you. This means you’ll be able to start working
just moments after launching IntelliJ IDEA. You can also open projects, import existing
Maven or Gradle projects, and pull projects from Version Control Systems.

Keyboard shortcuts for everything

IntelliJ IDEA has keyboard shortcuts for pretty much everything, from viewing recent files
to running and debugging your project. One universally applicable shortcut is double
Shift (Search Everywhere). It allows you to find just about any item inside or
outside of the project. The range of your search can vary from files, actions, classes,
and symbols to settings, UI elements, and even Git history.

Check out this
for other shortcuts that are useful in just about any situation.

Standard and custom themes

You can spend long days coding in front of a screen as a developer, so making the UI easy
on your eyes is important. We have several options available that allow you to create a
comfortable environment to work in. You can use one of the standard color themes, like
IntelliJ Light or Darcula, or configure IntelliJ IDEA to synchronize its theme with your
OS preferences.

Alternatively, you can give your IDE a completely new look, with over 100 interface
custom themes
to choose from. So whether you are in the mood for Solarized’s Californian sun
vibe or feeling a little purple with Dark Purple Theme, IntelliJ IDEA has a
theme for you.


JetBrains is committed to making our products accessible to everyone. IntelliJ
IDEA lets you enable various accessibility features that will accommodate your needs. Screen
readers are compatible with IntelliJ IDEA, for example. You can also configure the colors for
different UI elements, add a contrast color for scrollbars, resize tool windows and the size of
the text in the editor, and more.

Install as a snap package on Linux

You can install IntelliJ IDEA as a self-contained snap package. Since snaps update automatically, your IntelliJ IDEA installation will always be up to date.

IntelliJ IDEA is distributed via two channels:

  • The stable channel includes only stable versions. To install the latest stable release of IntelliJ IDEA, run the following command:

    sudo snap install intellij-idea-ultimate —classic

    sudo snap install intellij-idea-educational —classic

    sudo snap install intellij-idea-community —classic

    The option is required because the IntelliJ IDEA snap requires full access to the system, like a traditionally packaged application.

  • The edge channel includes EAP builds. To install the latest EAP build of IntelliJ IDEA, run the following command:

    sudo snap install intellij-idea-ultimate —classic —edge

    sudo snap install intellij-idea-educational —classic —edge

    sudo snap install intellij-idea-community —classic —edge

When the snap is installed, you can launch it by running the , , or command.

To list all installed snaps, you can run . For information about other snap commands, see the Snapcraft documentation.

Frameworks & Technologies

Microservices diagram

IntelliJ IDEA lets you display microservice interactions in a diagram, which you can
build by clicking the respective icon in the Endpoints tools window. This new diagram
offers the option to track which client calls a particular service and navigate to this
call in your code. To do so, just click on an arrow that connects the blocks in the diagram.

The diagram is available in Java and Kotlin projects if you use Spring, Micronaut,
Quarkus, or Helidon.

Automatic migration from Java EE to Jakarta EE

The new Migrate… refactoring helps quickly and painlessly migrate a project
or module from Java EE to Jakarta EE. After you initiate it, the Refactoring Preview
shows all the found usages of Java EE imports. You can then check through and finalize
the process.

Automatic download of shared indexes for new Spring Boot projects

When you create a new Spring Initializer project, the IDE will download shared
indexes automatically, reducing indexing time and speeding up IDE startup. The checkbox
that turns this feature on is located on the second screen of the New Project wizard.
Please note it won’t work if you have disabled Shared Indexes in
Settings/Preferences | Shared Indexes.

Support for JPA Entity Graph

In this version, we’ve introduced support for an
Entity Graph
which you can define with the annotation. Your IDE allows
you to specify a unique name and the attributes () for
this annotation using code completion, error detection, and navigation to the related
entity by clicking on an attribute.

Support for cache annotations in Micronaut and Quarkus

Cache annotations for
are now supported in the IDE. We’ve added gutter navigation between cache name usages,
as well as the ability to use Find usages and the Rename refactoring for
cache identifiers.

Better microservice navigation support in JavaScript and TypeScript

URL navigation in JavaScript and TypeScript has been significantly improved. For
client-side code (for Angular or Axios), URL references have been added for the
service and
request method calls, and URL completion works based on available server-side frameworks
and OpenAPI specifications. For server-side, Express users can see Route handlers in the
Endpoints tool window and search for Express route declarations via
Navigate | URL Mapping.

gRPC endpoints displayed in the Endpoints tool window

In this version, we’ve added support for yet another framework – gRPC. We are planning
to introduce more features for working with it. For now, it is possible to see the gRPC
endpoints in the Endpoints tool window. Stay tuned for more updates!

Ktor integration

a web application framework for creating connected systems, is bundled with IntelliJ
IDEA Ultimate. Right from the welcome screen, you can create a new Ktor project for
developing server-side or client-side applications and configure the basic project
settings and various features supported by Ktor.


New debugger UI

Our built-in debugger is a powerful tool that helps you explore the code behavior and fix bugs. However, its design has become cluttered over the years, and as a result, the workflow has become overly complicated. This is why we decided to rework the Run/Debug tool window, making it simpler, neater, and more concise.

The new design is more modern and minimalistic, which speed up the debugging workflow and make popular actions more discoverable. So, what have we done?

New debugger layout

There is now a single horizontal toolbar at the top of the window. We’ve removed the vertical toolbar on the left and collapsed all the others. This layout reorganization lets us save a lot of space and makes the UI more intuitive. The changes help to better focus on the essential debugging tasks like analyzing variables and navigating frames.

Debugger actions

The most popular actions can now all be found in one place; you can access the rest using the More icon. If the default configuration doesn’t work for you, you can customize it in Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Menus and Toolbars | Debug Header Toolbar.

Evaluate expression

We’ve also made the Evaluate expression dialog more discoverable – you can now access it right from the Debug tool window.

User Experience

Quick access to Eclipse projects

IntelliJ IDEA can detect Eclipse projects stored locally on your machine, and it
allows you to open them from the Welcome screen. If it is your first IDE launch,
select the Open existing Eclipse projects option. If not, automatically
detected Eclipse projects will appear in the dedicated node among the recent projects.

Advanced Settings

If you need to configure some use-case-specific options in IntelliJ IDEA, you can do
it in the new Advanced Settings node in Preferences/Settings. For example,
you can add a left margin in Distraction-free mode or set the caret to move down
after you use the Comment with Line Comment action.

Organize tool windows by drag and drop

It is now easier to drag and drop a tool window to the desired place within the
main IDE window or in a separate window. You can drag it by clicking and holding
the tool window name bar and drop it in any highlighted place.

Automatic cache and logs cleanup

IntelliJ IDEA automatically cleans up any cache and log directories that were last
updated more than 180 days ago. This process doesn’t affect system settings and
plugin directories. You can initiate the process manually via
Help | Delete Leftover IDE Directories.

Missing plugin notifications

If your project uses a framework that works in IntelliJ IDEA via a plugin, the IDE
will notify you and offer to enable it directly from this notification.

New navigation option in Preferences/Settings

We’ve simplified navigation in Preferences/Settings by adding arrows to the
top right-hand corner of the window. They allow you to quickly jump back and forth
between the sections you’ve opened.

Update notifications from the Toolbox App

When any product updates appear in the Toolbox App, your IDE will inform you. If
there is a new version available for download, you’ll be able to upgrade to it right
from IntelliJ IDEA. Toolbox App 1.20.8804 or later is required to use this feature.

Quick access to Power Save mode

IntelliJ IDEA has a Power Save mode to help you extend the battery life on your laptop.
To make this mode easier to access, we’ve made it possible to manage it from the
status bar. Right-click on the status bar and select Power Save Mode – you’ll
see a new icon appear in the bottom right corner of the IDE. Click on this icon
whenever you want to turn the mode on or off.

Accessibility updates

IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 includes a number of helpful updates for coding with the enabled
screen reader mode on macOS. We’ve voiced available suggestions for code completion,
the content of the selected combo box and combo box lists, and the results of your
queries in Search Everywhere.

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