Wysiwyg web builder 16.4.2 русская версия

When in Doubt, Try a Few Website Creators

Many of the top website builders support free trial options for potential customers. Some even allow a site to remain free, though with limited function and heavy branding. So, if you aren’t sure which platform is right for you, then consider starting trials with more than one. This allows you to experience the website builders simultaneously and can make a direct comparison easier. Then, as you find that certain website builders don’t meet your needs, simply remove them from contention.

In the end, you are likely to find one or two that can provide the services you need. At that point, you can compare pricing models and see which one works for you over the long-term. And, if it ever stops being the right solution for you, don’t be afraid to look into transitioning to a different format because, even though you signed up for a specific website builder today, that doesn’t mean you have to use it forever.

Why Competition is Good for You

While the large selection of website builders feels intimidating to many, it is actually good news. It means more focus on development as well as competitive pricing for customers like you.

2021 is a tremendous year for web-based services & software, including e-commerce and web-creation platforms and we expect this trend to continue forward. Overall this is good for us, the consumers, as competition between these providers ensures a better product, lower price points, and more versatility in the long run. Be sure to stick with known brands that offer low monthly payments and even free plans.

What do you think? Have any comments or concerns? Use the comment section below to let us know! If you really liked the list, please share it with your friends and colleagues using the social buttons. 

25) IM Creator

IM Creator is a website builder for everyone who wanted to build a website for their business, event, or own self, yet does not have HTML programming skills. The product makes it simple to go from building the site and also offers a feature to buy a domain.

Advantage of IM creator:

  • It allows you to start building a website even without registering with the system.
  • Allows you to add your code to the website.
  • Allows convenient customization of each section.
  • Practical and affordable White Label model.
  • Offers wide range of Powerful eCommerce engine.

Disadvantage of IM creator:

  • You can’t upload your fonts.
  • Allows you to sell only once at a time for eCommerce.

Link: https://www.imcreator.com/

No Experience Required

As website builders become more sophisticated, they are also becoming more user-friendly. Often, one of the biggest fears a person has about investing in a website builder is not knowing how to create a website. Luckily, many of the top offerings in the category are simple to use. Some companies even offer included tutorials and step-by-step instructions to complete certain tasks.

In situations where you can’t find an included tutorial to meet your needs, you can often find instruction from a variety of web resources. Whether you prefer written instructions or want to see each step in a video, you can find free information online to help you move forward with your design. So, before you think completing part of the setup of the site is too difficult, hop onto your favorite search engine and see what if the larger community doesn’t have an answer.


The world of website builders is highly competitive and customers are price sensitive— so website builders all price their premium plans somewhat similarly.

If you compare the cheapest one year plan (with no-ads) of my recommended website builders, you can see that they are all priced very similarly:

Graph: cheapest plans with no ads plus the cost of a custom domain name.

The two exceptions are Carrd— because it’s for one page websites— and Shopify— because it only offers ecommerce plans. (Most website builders do not include ecommerce in an entry level plan.)

Should I just hire a web designer?

There are freelancers who work with website builders who can help you with your website design but website builders are most often DIY tools.

14) SiteBuilder

SiteBuilder is an easy to use website builder tool. It allows you to create a small business website, blog, or even an eCommerce website with few clicks.

Advantages of Site Builder:

  • Offers an easy drag and drop website builder to create your website.
  • All Site Builder templates are optimized for mobile, tablets, and desktop computers.
  • Provide live chat and phone support for technical assistance, so you can easily get started.

Disadvantages of SiteBuiler:

  • SiteBuilder does not have a free website builder option.
  • Their extension ecosystem is small, and you won’t be able to hire a developer to build advanced features.
  • Migration from your website away from SiteBuilder is quite difficult.

Visit: www.sitebuilder.com

15) Webnode

Webnode is a website builder that enables you to create your own website without any hassle. It offers readymade and easy-to-customize templates to build your site. This platform provides you a wide selection of domains according to your need.

Advantages of Webnode:

  • You can update your website from a mobile phone or tablet.
  • It enables you to add content in your site in just a few clicks.
  • Offers a smooth shopping experience to your customer using an ecommerce website.

Disadvantages of Webnode:

  • It has a confusing user interface.
  • Offers limited ecommerce features

Link: https://www.squarespace.com/

Скачать бесплатно WYSIWYG Web Builder 16.4 + crack Скачать бесплатно WYSIWYG Web Builder русификатор

Пароль к архиву 1progs


26.05.2021 в 18:40

В ПО такого направления и РУ не нужен, и потом не серъёзны эти и многие подобные ПО для создания сайта — лучше самому изучить языки и вперёд, а то то Робот Google или Yandex не приходят, то заспамленность кодом, то sitemap не видят, то сайт пропадает в вэб-мастере яндекса — нервотрёпка. Но а руку набить после как сверстаешь на картинках и править свой мусор новичку не плохо, ибо — What You See Is What You Get — так и получается….. Админ, Спасибо Большое! Очень хороший набор верстальщику!


20.04.2021 в 07:10

Всё работает. Спасибо.
Руссификатор не подходит. Ругается, что он старый.


13.03.2021 в 15:11

Залейте нормально, не через DS-Loader.


10.02.2021 в 13:40

ИДИОТЫ он не работает- хрен откроешь без пароля


20.02.2021 в 17:34

Там написан пароль к архивам…
И кто после такого идиот…


04.02.2021 в 21:10

А разработчику этой проги отдельно СПАСИБО!!!!!


04.02.2021 в 21:07

Настроение на 5++++++!!!!
Честно рад , что случайно попал на этот сайт.


04.02.2021 в 21:05

Парни кто подскажет какая прога подойдет , что искать. нужно так чтобы данные с базы sql выводить на экран и чтобы мог выбирать ,удалять , вставлять ,перемещать короче в этом плане. Подскажите что хоть искать. спасибо.


04.02.2021 в 21:00

да ,кстати я даже не входил в настройки перекинуть на русский, перезагрузился и опа!!! Он мой красавчик и русский.


04.02.2021 в 20:55

ДА все там работает 2 минуты назад установил. Окно активации закрой ,когда уже введешь сгенерированный ключ. У меня такая ерунда сначала тоже была. Внимательно прочитай реадми. там все написано не знаешь англ. переводчик гугл в помощь. Удачи дружище.


04.02.2021 в 20:50

Молодчаги который раз ваш сайт выручает. Админ спасибо и все кто на сайте. УВАЖУХА!!!!!


14.01.2021 в 13:14

Активация не работает. Просит ввести ключ… Кейген, который в комплекте расчитан на версию 15хх…


04.02.2021 в 20:55

ДА все там работает 2 минуты назад установил. Окно активации закрой ,когда уже введешь сгенерированный ключ. У меня такая ерунда сначала тоже была. Внимательно прочитай реадми. там все написано не знаешь англ. переводчик гугл в помощь. Удачи дружище


25.01.2021 в 12:51

такая-же проблема


10.01.2021 в 22:07



25.12.2020 в 21:07

Ну наконец-то все заработало. Вячеслав, спасибо, именно с Вашей подсказки все и получилось. Черт, столько времени потерял


13.12.2020 в 12:08

Yes Nepon


13.12.2020 в 12:06

Yes Baby


23.11.2020 в 23:14

Все получилось, тут главное не тупить, а подумать как следует. Файл russian lng надо вставить в папку Crack веббилдера, которую вы установили и перезапустить пару раз прогу веббилдер. Включать всегда веббилдер нужно нажав на иконку в папке Crack, а не то что у вас на рабочем столе, то есть приложение WebBuilder в папке Crack. Немного поэкспериментируйте и у вас получится!


04.02.2021 в 20:57

точно раза 4 сам тупил пока не почитал внимательно реадми. там все написано.


12.02.2021 в 10:26

как ты прочитаешь — если везде пароль просит — кому мозги паришь


20.10.2020 в 18:22

Непосредственно программа работает. Но расширения всё равно чхали на кряк, и не открываются.


07.09.2020 в 09:21

Работает прекрасно, на win 7 x64. Одна проблема с файлом русификации, он устарел, вот ссылка на рабочий русификатор https://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/languages.html


26.04.2021 в 13:09

Спасибо тебе добрый человек!!


10.05.2020 в 09:12

Не работает русик что делать?


17.04.2020 в 12:00

при проверке пишет что куча троянов


21.01.2020 в 08:53

качайте старую версию! будет все путем!


05.11.2019 в 15:07

версия проги 15.2.0, а русик от 15.1.0 постоянно лажают


20.09.2019 в 11:43

Русский не включился


27.07.2019 в 11:14

Через 2 недели прога запросила пароль,сказав,что ознакомительный период закончился!!!!


13.05.2019 в 13:48

Смысл всего этого говна???


23.02.2019 в 19:46

Воjбще-то? пароль ко всем архивам указан админом, невнимательно читали Вы…там всё есть, если что, пароль 1progs


23.02.2019 в 19:45

Всё норм, только кряки для 32-битной системы…у меня 64-битка, жаль…


12.03.2020 в 18:10

Ну так а на хера это всё? Почему норм. если сейчас основной процент используют 64??? Что нормального в том что оно не работает??? 32 это по моему спектрум какой то уже.


06.02.2019 в 13:01

Что за шляпа Архив просит пароль.Админ шутник


05.12.2019 в 15:15

для особо одарённых…
пароль указан — в статье, разуй глаза.


23.11.2018 в 17:53

Краки не работают

Новое в WYSIWYG Web Builder v16

Эффекты движения (Motion Effects)
Морфинг Форма (Morphing Shape)
Редактируемый контент (Editable Content)


CMS карта
объекта Card
Очистка кеша (Cache Busting)

Социальный вход (Social Login)

Изображения WebP (WebP Images)
Snap Scroll
Snap ScrollСтраницаCSS-анимацияРабота с объектами
Линия (Line)

Разделители формы (Shape Dividers)

SVG анимации
Фотогалерея (Photo Gallery)
СлайдыИзображения (Image)
Сайт Pixabay

Форма (Form)
Аккордеон (Accordion)

Вкладки (Tabs)

Карты (Cards)

Карточный контейнер (Card Container)
Гибкий контейнер

Flex Box

Сетка макета (Layout Grid)

Слой панели (Panel Layer) и меню панели (Panel Menu)
Панель меню
Слой панели (Panel Layer)

Модальный слой (Modal Layer)

Слой (Layer)Слои (уровни)
Слой ролловера (Rollover Layer)

Заголовок страницы (Page Header)

События (Events)
Переходы (Transitions)

Прокрутка переходов (Scroll Transitions)

Тосты (Toasts)
Блог (Blog)
HTML5 видео (HTML5 Video)
Объекты Media
HTML5 аудио / видео, YouTube, Vimeo
Объекты Media
Ролловер изображение (Rollover Image)

Кнопка (Button) / тематическая кнопка (Themeable Button)

Расширенная кнопка (Advanced Button)

Расширения (Extensions)
Инструменты входа (Login Tools)
Перейти в меню

Меню пагинации (Pagination Menu)

Тематическое меню (Themeable Menu)

Адаптивное меню (Responsive Menu)
Карусель (Carousel)
Таблица (Table)
ТаблицыСписок (Listview)
Диалог (Dialog):

Пользовательский интерфейс (User Interface)
Менеджер перезапуска (Restart Manager)

Свойства сайта (Site properties)Свойства сайта
Глобальная замена (Global Replace)

Структурированные данные (Structured Data)

Repsonse Web Design / Breakpoints.
Сайты для разных
Объект HTML (HTML object)
Вставка кода (HTML)
Картинки (Clip Art)
Художественный текст (Text Art)
Форма (Shape)

Баннер (Banner)

Иконочные шрифты (Icon Fonts)
Тикер ленты новостей (News Feed Ticker):
Лента новостей
Готовый к использованию JavaScript (Ready-to-use-JavaScript)

Прочие изменения:

Шаблоны (Templates)


Последнее обновление:
2020 г.

10) Weebly

Weebly is easy to use drag-and-drop website builder; This tool offers a quality range of over 50 industry-tailored templates.

Advantages of Weebly:

  • Weebly offers a limited free plan which allows you to try it out on a small scale before paying.
  • Weebly includes hundreds of great templates organized according to type, including drag-and-drop options for eCommerce, too.
  • Built-in easy to understand SEO guides
  • Allows you to change template once a site is live

Disadvantages of Weebly:

  • Template structure restricts creative freedom
  • Higher price plans are relatively expensive.
  • Weebly’s cheapest plans are very limited and force you often for an upgrade.

Visit here: https://www.weebly.com/.

Best WYSIWYG Web Builders: Top Picks

Name Price Key Features Link
ClickFunnels $97/m Dashboard for monitoring business KPIs,Campaign analysis and Communication management,CRM and email autoresponder. Learn More
Wix Free Fast speed & uptime, 500+ themes and templates, Flexible: Websites, blogs, online stores Learn More
Site123 Free Offers cheapest e-commerce plan starts, and it is supported with a huge, dedicated help section Learn More
Web.com $1.95 It offers free domain hosting, Real-time sale notifications. Learn More
Squarespace Free offers more than 200+ design templates, All their plans have no storage or bandwidth restrictions. Learn More

1) ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is a landing page builder software which helps you to market, sell, and deliver your products online. It simplifies the marketing and delivery of products using funnel options.


  • Dashboard for monitoring business KPIs
  • Campaign analysis and Communication management
  • CRM and email autoresponder
  • Pre-built funnel templates
  • Drag & drop interface
  • Highly converting Landing page templates
  • Multi-channel communications
  • Campaign promotion management
  • Offers plugins, form creation, and page design
  • Easy to add videos, tracking code, etc.

Advantages of ClickFunnels:

  • Clickfunnels allows you to sell any product online.
  • It allows you to move content around and get a business live online.
  • Guide your visitors step-by-step throughout the sales process.

Disadvantages of ClickFunnels:

  • It offers very few options for customization.
  • Not provide support for multiple languages and locations.

Visit here: https://www.clickfunnels.com/

Why You Should Consider a Website Builder

Many people mistakenly believe that the only method for getting a professional quality website is to hire a web developer. But, by selecting the right website builder, you can achieve similar results for a lower cost. Additionally, you maintain full control over the look of your website as you don’t have to rely on paying your original developer or finding a new one, every time you want to make a change.

Another benefit of high-quality website builders is the ability to bundle services together. Often, web hosting, domain names, e-commerce store abilities, and certain security features are included when you invest in your preferred solution. This means you can manage all of your website costs from a single point.

20) Yola

Yolo is a simple website builder that’s doesn’t have many key features. You should use this web builder software only to get much more for cheaper from other website builders.

Advantages of Yola:

  • Offers 100% Update and Fast upload time
  • eCommerce platform
  • Offers rich template collection;
  • Code editing options.

Disadvantages of Yola:

  • Yola offers more than 270 themes for their customers to choose from; nearly all of these themes are outdated.
  • Yola never offers specific eCommerce package, and instead, it allows users to add an online storefront to any package at the additional cost of $10/month.
  • An expensive tool you will get much more at cheap from other website builders.

Visit: https://www.yola.com/

Build A Website Growing With Business

Our drag-and-drop builder makes it simply to switch to an entirely new theme if you get bored of your existing one. Nicepage can effectively replace a web developer because you can use the easy-to-use drag and drop interface that we offer to build your website. With our free plan, you can also add new third-party add-ons to apply new features to our website maker. Your content management system, aka cms, editors must be aware that different domain names provide a different effect on search engines. The site builder will activate all required features to create a website that will satisfy your requirements. After activating a plan and receiving a custom domain name, and completing all necessary customizations, make your website live, and start selling online.

Aspects of Best Website Builder

Nicepage provides complete control over every aspect of the website and online presence, including services. Similar ones use the builder thanks to its custom domain affiliation, which is also a simple and easy tool to create professional-looking websites. Our eCommerce is an excellent eCommerce platform that automatically provides a mobile-optimized version with a responsive design that will look great on smaller screens and doesn’t affect loading speed. With our mobile editor, it is simple to customize your mobile site and make it even more efficient and possible to add to the app store. It is similar to creating a website with the Wix website builder for mobile sites, which uses the built-in professional business suite to promote and manage businesses.

Other features of our website hosting service and platform include logo maker, lead capture forms, website analytics, and more, greatly improved compared to Weebly review, Wix review, or other review pros. Mentioned features are improved compared to others, for example, the Gator website builder.

23) Homestead

Homestead works as both as an online and offline website builder. However, you need to connect to the internet in order to use this tool.

Advantages of Homestead:

  • Allows you to select from hundreds of designs created for many industries
  • Offers an over 1.1 million royalty-free images
  • Allows you to publish your site with a single click
  • Offers personalized domain names

Disadvantages of Homestead:

  • Complicated editor which need to be installed locally
  • Relatively expensive tool
  • Not offered much in terms of a template.
  • Not easier cost-inclusive mobility options

Link: https://www.homestead.com

Build a Website, Even an Online Store

Some people assume that creating a store online is well out of reach of web design amateurs. However, eCommerce builders can make that process just as simple as a purely informational website. Often, the design concepts are similar, in regards to entering headings, text, and images. The only real difference is the ability to operate a shopping cart through the site, and website builders that cater to eCommerce businesses make that a breeze.

This means that just because the idea of running sales through the site seems intimidating, it doesn’t mean you have to default to hiring a web designer. You can create your store by using a hosted eCommerce software (which is quite user-friendly), or choose a self hosted open-source software. Consider giving the right website builder a try and see if it doesn’t meet your needs.

11) Mobirise

Mobirise is an offline website builder that has recently become available for Windows, Android, and Mac. The tool helps you to create promo websites and basic landing pages.

Advantage of Mobiirise:

  • Mobirise is the simplest website builders
  • It allows you to create small websites, including landing pages, portfolios, and different types of promo websites.
  • The tool allows you to publish your websites at the local server and resources like Google Drive, Amazon S3, Github, etc.

Disadvantage of Mobirise:

  • Website updating process needs the availability of website files of your project
  • Design of all sites looks similar as it now allows you to change the formats of template blocks.

Visit here: https://mobirise.com/.

WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.1.1

Вячеслав и Валерия : создание сайта 773 7 комментариев к записи WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.1.1

Приветствуем вас! WYSIWYG Web Builder-позволяет создавать профессиональные веб-страницы HTML и jQuery. У конструктора есть функции, позволяющие создавать страницы с использованием блоков, макетов сетки, а также кодирования для продвинутых пользователей.

WYSIWYG Web Builder имеет инновационную модель макета для CSS под названием Flexbox, которая представляет собой мощный способ выравнивания и распределения объектов.

Эта функция позволяет настраивать макеты, которые могут быть созданы с помощью GUI или путем кодирования.

Builder — это удобное для пользователя приложение. WYSIWYG Web Builder позволяет создавать веб-проекты на основе CSS без знания HTML.

Вы можете просто перетаскивать элементы страницы с места на место, добавлять изображения, текст, веб-формы, вставлять Active X, Java и другие продвинутые элементы.

Программное обеспечение обладает интуитивно понятным и удобным интерфейсом и облегчает вам использование большинства функций благодаря поддержке перетаскивания.

Это программное обеспечение хорошо подходит для новичков. Это легкое приложение, которое можно установить на любой ПК под управлением Windows.

Существует ряд полезных плагинов, доступных в качестве надстроек, которые можно приобретать отдельно и интегрировать с самой программой.

Некоторые плагины, которые могут быть полезны при создании веб-сайтов, включая адаптивное выпадающее меню, корзину Paypalmini, соединитель MySQL и т. д.

Обзор функций WYSIWYG Web Builder

WYSIWYG Web Builder имеет инструменты как для начинающих, так и для профессиональных дизайнеров / разработчиков:

С уважением Вячеслав и Валерия!

Интересное на блоге

  • Работы по техническому обслуживанию WordPress
  • Что такое woocommerce wordpress?
  • Повышение личной эффективности
  • Возрастное ограничение на сайт WordPress
  • Ответы на частые вопросы Гутенберга
  • История социальной сети Однокласники
  • WordPress каталог
  • Как встраивать твиты Twitter в свой сайт WordPress

16) Shopify

Shopify is the best website builders around. This web build tool offers rapidly-growing service now powers over 800,000 online shops and the pricing plans. It provides a free 14-day trial, which helps you to ensure that you get what you want.

Advantages of Shopify:

  • Clean, easy-to-use interface with intuitive navigation
  • Integration with Amazon Marketplace.
  • Powerful built-in blogging platform.
  • Abandoned checkout recovery.
  • Support for augmented reality

Disadvantages of Shopify:

  • Quite expensive pricing plans.
  • You need to pay fees for credit card transactions.
  • The system is not very easy-to-use for newbies.
  • Reporting feature is available on advanced plans only.

Link: https://www.shopify.com/

18) Jimdo

Jimdo is a German website creator with more than 20m websites to its name. It is very simple and intuitive but a bit limited. It also allows you to have a website up quickly and to run.

Advantages of Jimdo:

  • Offers the lowest price to remove adverts from your website
  • Unlimited storage on premium plans
  • Easy to add elements to your page

Disadvantages of Jimdo:

  • Jimdo offers only 16 themes, which are very less compares to other website builder tool.
  • Support for the cheapest plan but they don’t offer communication via phone call.
  • Website performance isn’t good as other web builder tools

Visit: www.jimdo.com

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